2240 Eastlake Ave E (Project # 3039424-LU) - Updated
Note that ECC has commented publicly with concern about the height of the first floor commercial space
Comment Period Ends: n/a
Project Number(s): 3039375-EG, 3039424-LU
Description: Land use application to allow a 6-story, 70-unit apartment building with retail. Parking for 37 vehicles proposed. Early Design Guidance conducted under 3039375-EG.
Developer/Applicant Contact: Grancorp Holdings, LLC / Alexander Heijer, Yezi Han yezih@jd-arch.com
SDCI Planner: Theresa Neylon
New (09-30-2024): Director’s Analysis & Decision
New (10-24-2023): Design Review Recommendation Public Meeting
2240 Eastlake Ave E, Existing Structure