2720 Eastlake Ave E (#3036447-LU) - APPROVAL
Comment Period Ends: N/A
Project Number(s):
#3036715-EG (Early Design Guidance)
Note on Address: This property was originally filed as 2720 Eastlake Ave E, however the finalized address will be 2730 Eastlake Ave E.
Description: Land Use Application to allow a 7-story building with 84 apartments, 6 Small Efficiency Dwelling Units (SEDUs), 3 Live-work units and retail. Parking for 34 vehicles proposed. Existing building to be demolished.
In addition to providing project background, the document provides Public, Staff and DR Board comments and recommendations at both Early Design Guidance (Oct 14, 2020) and the Recommendation meeting (July 14, 2021) as well as pertinent City Design Review Guidelines.
Final Recommendations begin on page 17 with the Director’s Analysis and Decision and Conditions following on pages 18-21.
Applicant: Jon O'Hare
SDCI Planner: Greg Johnson
2720 / 2730 Eastlake Ave E