ECC Community Meeting
April 13, 6:15 PM, Presentation at 6:30 PM
Seattle Design Review
Guest Speaker, Lisa Rutzick, Manager of Design Review, Dept of Construction & Inspection
Have you ever wondered why that new building was approved or who thought small apartments with no parking was a good idea? Do you live next door to a new development and find the frontage unattractive? Beautiful complex — how did we get so lucky in Eastlake, but why the empty retail on the ground floor? Ugly buildings seem to be everywhere - why? How do we stop this madness?
Lisa Rutzick will lead us through the design review process.
There will be a virtual presentation on Zoom. If you wish to be on the invitation list please send an email to Space is limited.
There will be time for a few questions at the end of the presentation. If you have specific questions prior to the presentation please send them to