Terry Pettus Park Renovation (2001 Fairview Ave E)
Comment Period Ends:
For Determination of Non-Significance Doc:
Comment period ends 8/14/2023
Appeals must be submitted by 8/21/2023
Project Number(s): n/a
Description: Seattle Parks and Recreation is proposing to renovate Terry Pettus Park, a street-end pocket park on the eastern shore of Lake Union. The project will enhance the park features with more durable materials, improve accessibility, restore areas along the shoreline restoration and incorporate a 4,000 sq. ft. parcel into the park. Utility work associated with the project includes the replacement and extension of an existing public storm drain pipe and outfall that discharges into Lake Union; construction of a new public storm drainage system within Fairview Avenue; reconfiguration of private storm laterals within the public right-of-way; construction of a new on-site private storm drainage collection system and outfall; and retrofitting (or reconstruction) of the existing combined sewer outfall. Approximately 1,305 cubic yards of soil will be removed during construction as part of the shoreline restoration work. The project also includes street and sidewalk improvements.
Applicant Contact: david.graves@seattle.gov, (206) 684-7048
For More Information:
Terry Pettus Park Proposed Concept