2010 Fairview Ave E (Project # 3039201-LU)
2010 Fairview Ave E Site
Comment Period Ends: N/A
Project Number(s): 3038392-EG / 3039202-LU / 3039201-LU
Description: Establish use as and construct a 19 unit multi-family project. Shoreline review. Demolish existing structure. Future unit lot subdivision. Originally under 02828-21PA.
Shoreline Substantial Development to allow 5 townhouse buildings (three 2-story and two 3-story, 19 units total). Parking for 22 vehicles proposed. Existing building to be demolished. Early Design Guidance conducted under 3038392-EG.
Note: This property was originally listed as 2009 Minor Ave E, as this property extends through to that address, but the current project address is 2010 Fairview Ave E.
Applicant Contact: Jason Simonis, 88 E Hamlin St, Seattle, WA, 98102
Added 06/20/2023: Decision Notice
Added 07/25/2022: Notice of Land Use Application